Friday, November 25, 2016

About This Blog

Nehemiah News

     Nehemiah was an Old Testament Jew raised up as a man of God during Israel's captivity in Babylon.  Part of his mission was to bring a message of hope to what seemed like a forgotten people.

     The Jews were God's special people, chosen and predestined for an incredible mission. Yet, through the sins of their fathers and through their own indifference, they turned away from worshiping and trusting in God and stepped out from under His umbrella of protection. This set them up to become victims of attacks on their country by the Assyrians and Babylonians, which not only brought them into bondage but also kept them there for generations.

     The Children of Israel floundered in captivity for 150 years, losing sight of who they were and their eternal destiny, which was to bring the Messiah to the world. The walls of their city were broken, burned down, and a complete wreck. Nothing remained but weather-worn pieces, battered even further by a century and a half of inattention.

     These walls represented their identity, their safety, and their value as a nation. Without the walls, the people felt like they had no country and no chance to survive or reconstruct. Previously, King Cyrus had granted a group permission to go back to their country. They joined the remnant (who had been left behind); however, all the people could do is look at the rubble and give up. They lost their hope and vision. Their dreams were dashed on the rocks of discouragement.

     After many years, Nehemiah, Xerxes' cupbearer and a Jew who had been taken captive to Babylon, heard the news of the devastation and listlessness of the people. He burned with passion to repair the broken walls and restore God's people to their true identity. When he looked at the walls, he did not see a wasteland but, through faith, he saw a city, a nation, and finally, a people with many descendants. He first prayed to gain favor with his captors. God heard him. 

      King Xerxes gave him permission and even support for the mission. He also offered protection and commanded others to give provisions to Nehemiah. God blessed this mission, making even Nehemiah's 'enemies' to work peacefully on his behalf.  

      Nonetheless, on other fronts, Nehemiah faced opposition, ridicule, distraction, weakened morale by his followers, and many trials as he attempted to re-unite the people and empower them to re-construct the broken places. Through it all, the anointing of God was on him and this plan. What had lain shattered and ruined for over a century, God helped them rebuild in a matter of days.  When the physical restoration was complete, the people worshiped God and began their journey to re-establish their country. 
     I am writing this blog, just as I often share my testimony, with a Nehemiah-like passion for people, who through apathy, sin, or pain have been mentally or spiritually imprisoned, forgetting or not knowing who they are. They often forget they have an eternal purpose. I can understand. You see, I was once broken by pain inflicted upon me and by my own reactionary sins. I was led from my true, intended identity in Christ, so long and so far away that I had lost hope of life ever being any different. Praise God, I was not lost there. By His grace, love, and mercy, Jesus pulled me out of the pit, giving me a passion which has never left me. 

     This assurance carries through as I see the ruins of people's lives and I am stirred to tell them of the hope on the other side of their brokenness. There is a way out of captivity, sorrow, and emotional pain. Jesus is the repairer of the walls and He calls every broken hearted person who will listen into a life filled with purpose and expectancy found in Him alone. 

     I pray that this blog will be a refuge for hurting people and a gathering place for fellow-wall builders.  If you have suffered through abuse, addiction, neglect, abandonment, and/or the consequences of your own sins, please come and find answers and encouragement here.

     If you are on the other side and feel a call like I do, to reach out to the broken, let us work together to renovate the ruins of lives and see, as Nehemiah did, a vision of what can and will be through God's mighty power. 

NOTE: The Bible tells us that many are called but few are chosen.  Jesus died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, but only those who make Him their Lord and Savior are freed from their sins.  Jesus said He is not willing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (John 3).   In the Nehemiah story, before the Children of Israel could see God work in their lives and their nation restored and renovated, there first had to be repentance from sin. The same applies spiritually. Before God will repair the broken places in your life, you first must admit there are broken places. Your sin has separated you from God.  We are all in the same boat initially because all have sinned. However, God is willing to forgive and heal all who come to Him with humble hearts. He is like the prodigal son's father, who stands with His arms open wide to welcome you home, but first you must forsake your sin, confess Him as your Lord and Savior, and then you will be in a place where He can restore you.  For more information, email me at 

Romans 10:9,10 (NLT)
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.

(This blog post is an adapted excerpt from my testimony in a teaching I did on Nehemiah. The full teaching may be made available at a later date).

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